Category: Contemplation (Page 6 of 8)


To go towards
Not away from

To find strength in this

To be simpler
More contemplative
Responsive and considered
Purposeful with each focus

Attentive and attending to

what generates

To what gives life

Is what I go to

                                         Martino @ 2017


For Oliver

The question on the table I think is “what’s real” and the
conundrum is, nothing the mind can perceive
‘  O.B.


to touch

a soundless rhythm
in the heart
that perceives

is a quietus
given with gentle hands
on groundless ground
by unseen sight

a silent real
a here
a now
that quiets all


Martinos © 2017

You are a Conduit

Remember that the beginning and ending is not you
You are a conduit
This is all passing through and by you
for you, to be present with and witness

All suffering, all exhaustion and pain come from when we make it ours when our story has us hold on to identification with what’s passing through

Be present
Be breathing
Be grateful

Know how fortunate you are in being called to witness
But it is not you or yours

Jeff Ren © 2016

Under which, life flows

I put my author
On the bridge,
(There’s going over and
There’s crossing),
He will say that
I’m looking for starlight
Or direction,
Of the place to find a voice
Between all worlds

In the event of success
He imagines Einstein,
To live longer in the question,
He foresees Ghandi, wishing
To converse with ruthless compassion,
He will seek the mother also,
Her cradle and her rock,
(as a special favour)
To speak of that which had gone unsaid

All this and
To fix at the intersection
The elements of story:
Beginning, middle, end.
He will return with insight
With composure and understanding
To write the mind, on the bridge between,
Under which, life flows.

Martinos @ 2016

three lines of a poem

the first line of a poem is a window,
to let the light in
across the sill

through each imperfect pane
swirls in the glass
amend perception

to look in
alters the view

the next line of a poem enters further
into a room, many rooms
where light falls diffuse;
to pass down a corridor and touch patchwork, or

thread edges of fabrics
of lived in textures

and in so touching
alters the view

the third line of a poem makes a home
for the heart
to take up residence,
to visit where spaces and shapes partly familiar,
alive at the peripheral,
perpetually shift

and most importantly,
alter the view.

Martinos © 2016


as temporal as is mind, will

all that is connected pass

as all wonder that can be recorded will?


with this life force

can I as guardian or as spectator of this wondrous light

move with wave and particle in simultaneous might?


wherein life’s delicate paradox to cherish

to place the fealty of grateful servant,

wherein the realm of infinite possibility

to place an effort that will matter.


I will wait for insight, to glimpse

what might emerge from within such dilemma, will I find

there is nothing that can be altered?

save to see that an entry point to understanding,

is in and of itself: conundrum

Martinos © 2016

From Star Dust Goes All Matter

the crescent moon, bent
like Arjuna’s bow
draws her ink-dark arrow across all heaven

she is first to intersect venus, then mars,
then on in one omniscient arc to trace
the centre of being

across skies, across eons
across all beginnings, endings,
all that is and was

long to outlast all human experience
and all that can be foreseen


MChallis © 2015
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