Author: martin (Page 12 of 31)

My Darling

My Darling

At the centre of your being
you are light

Inextinguishable, radiant, wondrous

Thoughts that dance across the stage are just that – dancers going across the stage – some will be beautiful – some will linger – some will be helpful – others not

On which dancer will you shine your light?
Which dancer will you invite to leave?
Your choice, your light

You are the light
Inextinguishable, radiant, wondrous

You are light

My darling

MChallis @ 2016

The Snow Man


One must have a mind of winter
To regard the frost and the boughs
Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;

And have been cold a long time
To behold the junipers shagged with ice,
The spruces rough in the distant glitter

Of the January sun; and not to think
Of any misery in the sound of the wind,
In the sound of a few leaves,

Which is the sound of the land
Full of the same wind
That is blowing in the same bare place

For the listener, who listens in the snow,
And, nothing himself, beholds
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.

Forest Prayer

for JR


at the grove’s edge

you meet them all, each one

dripping with hurt, steel eyed

dusted and luminous


moss trodden and lichen lipped

you go on, forgiving and seeking forgiveness.

looking back, you see that

none follow and

alone you go,

liminal to the margin


at the dipping point

each river-pool clears of its whispering ghosts

your trinkets, tokens, icons of memory

are placed in offering as expiation


each gesture a steady movement

each step up the mountain, lighter still

you are deep prayer moving steadily

toward foresight,  toward reclamation, toward flight



you are golden haired


loved by the gods

you are sweet-breathed


as friend, father, brother, as joy-bringer

you are seminal and unbound

the wing of forgiveness

lifting toward light



MChallis © 2015


for Dennis Lee

By the river
at night

burned stubble
of sugar cane
feathers the air with a lick of caramel

a quiet earth underscores
crocus and chorusing cricket
as curlew weep their distant sonorous calls

fingering the stillness
we pluck a string of starlight

to pull a gentle breeze closer
we tug on orbiting moons

in the darkness of deep
we become motionless
intent to watch worlds
and enter the symphony

MChallis @ 2015

Song Line

for Daniel


the country singer has gone to the city

packed all his chords and a harp

how the voice of love sings

in New York

his part in the harmony

stepping between tramways

along avenues

he finds a new stanza

picked like a flower, put

to the lips of new promise

and meeting her with

soft-eyed recitals 

in cafes and bars

the tenderness


awakening each heart


MChallis © 2015


From ambivalence to ferocity, she
Touching everything at times
Gently her soft hair over
Follicles and skin through
Reeds in marshes and then

Grassy planes
Across thresholds
To the leaves of autumn
From antipodes to tropics
From arctics to alps

Even the immovable
Will feel her
And they also
Will tremble

MChallis @ 2015
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