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At Evening’s Fall

Our words were mesmerised, unable at
each attempt to describe the end of day
the sun took its story – a spectacle of hues and
ribbons between gold fire and greyblack crimsons
beyond Wolumbin – reclining grandmother
crag head facing skyward – omniscient
pausing inbreath grandeur

Taking our gaze, the cloud hummers went westerly
tribal souls migrating in unison
their mentor and guide a following breeze
and curiously the stars appeared above them
as if flying in formation against the trend
missiles or satellites – not afraid – in awe
we saluted the spectacle – swaying in silence and wonder




Martinos © 2018


On Funicular Stairs

I climbed down through coastal scrub

Sandstone nub and turkey scratch,

Purposefully counted into the hundreds

And then became distracted for caution

And for possible misstep. On safe arrival

The foreshore held its mysteries

Within wash and cliff and ancient sands,

I did not inquire or pause to study, yet

committed and turned again to climb

knowing afore each rise I would by needs,



Martinos © 2018

Mother’s Stories

Rarely as I recall, in truth,

Did she speak expansively of herself

Or tell us stories of her young adventure

She reserved the detail and the admiration for others,

Others who were remote to me, in interest and in caring,

I never knew, and always assumed she thought them

more worthy or entertaining or greater than herself


And now I wish I’d asked her

And told her this was for me

Furthest from the truth


Martinos @ 2018

After Immersion

You have outstretched arms
You are on the beach
You are receiving the towel that
will wipe the sting of salt and glare away
You are relieved in the moment this occurs
And look back to the waves that have just released you

Later that day after bathing
You recall the moment
Your skin
Your nature
And what has washed away











Martinos © 2018

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